Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Full of that "fat kid" shame

"Hold it up. Let me see it." That's what she said.

Thirty-six gold stars and a ring-pop to the band. Prizes! Amen. ["It's call and response. Come with me." [That's what she said.]] As I said before, if anything is ever going to be successful as a ministry tool, it's going to be gospel music. Amen.

Have you seen my childhood?

My most embarrassing childhood moment, the one I'd like to erase if I could, was that one time I visited Neverland Ranch and Michael and I played doctor. . . .

His Holiness went on a binge this morning and indulged in two of his favorite pastimes: spiels-on-wheels and sermaprayers. There's no way he wasn't rocking a little buzz after that.

Spiels-on-wheels are always a good time for everyone involved, especially when Brad makes his way to the back of the floor seats, causing a slight delay between the moment the words exit his mouth and when they come through the speakers. It almost makes me feel like I'm at a disco every time. [Uh oh, social dancing! Run! Hide!]

Oh, and some of those pictures he shared were hilarious. Well, actually just one of them. The one in the car. "I somehow decided to dress like a mid-high pimp." Well, Brad, I can't speak to your status as a juvenile pimp, but you appear to have been only a molestache away from Brokeback Mountain, that's for sure. [For further reading and research on the molestache, try this and this.]

It was, once again, good to see His Holiness making use of his Ph.D. in psychology today. Unfortunately the salmon filet and baked sweet potatoes of his message turned out to be more like spam and boxed potatoes au-gratin. "Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." -Romans 8:1. [That's what he said. . . .]

Don't get me wrong, Jesus is just alright with me too, but shouldn't there be no condemnation for those who are not in Christ Jesus as well? Yes, running to Jesus is one way people can find retreat and solace from their problems and life struggles, but it's certainly not the only way. In fact, I'm going to take a step toward the end of the plank here and say that for some people, running to Jesus might not be the best [healthiest, most efficient/effective] way of dealing with their problems. That's not to say that Jesus is unable to address such a person's concerns, but only that some people might find other forms of relief [psychiatric/psychological consultations, group therapy, Zoloft, etc.] more helpful at a given moment.

Also, I think it's more than slightly unrealistic to suggest that Jesus, if one runs to and throws all their problems at him, will instantly cure all that ails said individual. If you're going to treat Jesus like a therapist, then at least be decent enough to recognize that, just as you would if you were seeing a human therapist, the bulk of the work falls on your shoulders. So, love Jesus, yeah, but please try and remember that your life is still yours to live.

Random thought: I think The Office has officially rejuvinated Freudian psychology. We may have thought that Freud was full of shit, but the frequency at which "that's-what-she-saids" are called may be evidence that he was onto something. . . .

Oh, and where was my "Hamster on a Piano" today? Really, tech crew, if you're going to be good enough to treat me to such joy one day, you can't leave me dry the next. [That's what she said.]

"Keep near me and you will be safe."


P.S. - Undercoverfabala: My offer of prizes to the band today reminded me that you have yet to claim your 20 gold stars and glow-in-the-dark pencil. This saddens me. So, if you'll be so kind as to provide me with your mailbox number, I'll get those items sent your way. [If you're not comfortable posting your mailbox number in a comment, send me a message on Facebook.]


Jack said...

I think Brad's point was not that we need to turn to Jesus for all our problems to go away, but that we need to stop thinking we're not good enough to be loved. If a person is down on themselves the same way Will Hunting was, it will affect ALL of their relationships, not just the one they have with Jesus.

enderley said...

i hate when he walks up and down the aisles.

and after yesterday's heartache, the worship today was beautifully in tune and on rhythm.

Anonymous said...

It's about freakin' time, D! I asked after my prize for about three weeks after the offer was made (and won- everybody saw it!) and I had given up hope you would ever recognize my mad trivia skills. I even began to believe that there were no gold stars or pencils in your power to give. Thank you for showing me the light. I will certainly send you a message with the requested information.

As per your post, I thank you. You among all people, have recognized the value of the individual and not allowed the "less-of-me-more-of-Christ" mentality to be perpetuated. Standing against my family, I strongly adhere to the belief that, if there is a God, he gave us brains for a reason and we should use them rather than becoming mindless, self-flagellating drones. By my understanding, that is NOT what being a Christian is all about. And I appreciate your illustration of Christ being your potential "therapist," wherein the burden of action and choice rests squarely on the shoulders of the individual.

I have a question: What are we supposed to do when Brad starts walking to the back of the sanctuary? My first inclination was to turn and watch him, but this becomes tiresome after a while. My next inclination was to simply ignore him and continue staring forward, as many others often do, but this feels distinctly rude. I just don't know how to handle the situation. Next time, I think I might get up and ask him to go back to the front. It would be less distracting that way...

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that you enjoyed the worship as much as I did.

I was going to be slightly heartbroken if you bashed them on here.

once again... good observations except Brad's main point was that all people can come to God no matter what state they are in. All in all I think todays chapel went well..

I am suprised you didn't mention Brads comment about all babies being ugly and I think he said they look like aliens?


The Wanderer said...

I'm not really sure what "that's what she said" has to do with wanting to sleep with your mother.

Maybe Freud was just right about you...

Meg said...

As a Christian I believe that we need to put our trust and faith in Jesus in all things. However, we need to seek other resources for certain matters along with that. For example if you are struggling with anorexia there is a definite need for psychiatric help for many years to come.

So I guess you could say that we partially agree with that subject.