Tuesday, October 28, 2008

"Thank you, for THAT."

Oooooooooooooklahoma! Wasn't chapel worthless today? The music stinked, the ads all reeked, and Clemmer had nothing to say! [Which is a damn shame, and not really her fault. As she is one of the few professors on campus who I would trust to have something intelligent and challenging to say about God, it is unfortunate that she was not given the opportunity to speak her mind.]


Ok. So. We're obligated to attend chapel twice a week. The powers that be give it a certain spin, stating that it's for the betterment of our spiritual lives and our community. But when we get there we are assaulted with worthless "advertisements" and our time is otherwise wasted. I think my spiritual life would fare better with ABC Family and Ethan Allen commercials.


Could someone please remind me what the point of chapel music is?

It has always been my understanding that chapel music is supposed to be worshipful, performed with excellence, and above all, engaging. Chorale, today you were none of these three things. While I expect the children of the Mez to be disengaged no matter who is on stage, I am quite certain that the entire student body was bored to tears today. [Even the members of Chorale looked like they didn't want to be there.]


It is great to see that the three amigos of spiritual development have such an exciting trip planned for us this Christmas. Here's a promise: I'll go to Mexico if Jason and Andrea promise to wear those sombreros the entire time.


Thanks to Prof. Clemmer for sharing her life story. While I find the secret lives of professors fascinating, today I was left wondering what the point was. Parents divorced multiple times. Got married young. Got a second degree. Separated from husband. Went to grad school. Had kids. Teaches now . . . . . . That's all well and good, but if the purpose of 27 chapels a semester is to learn something about God, shouldn't we be learning something every time we grace Herrick's seats? Today our eager minds had to wait until His Holiness' last question for any mention of theology, and even then, ten seconds of bad advice ["Don't make your own plans, wait on God. . . ."] didn't do much for me.

Once again, "God helps those who help themselves." That'll do.


His Holiness is speaking tomorrow. Maybe he'll have something valuable to say. Or not.

"Keep near me and you will be safe."



Anonymous said...

I could not agree more. I was really upset that I took the time out of my day to worship and learn about God to instead hear someone's life story.

Couldn't she have done that on her own? Did she need Brad to ask her questions that he all ready knew the answer to?
It would have had a point if she would have been given the opportunity to relate it to God, but its always good to hear Brad's opinion. right?

shane said...

I would be offended, but I am still in shock from your use of the word, "stinked."

I'm sorry you didn't enjoy our music. Next time they ask us to perform, I'll see if I can get James Brown to replace us--I know how much you like him.

Unknown said...

Oh Daedalus. Please tell me you did not just use the word "stinked". And after I defended you when you called god "she"...I'm so disappointed.

Anonymous said...

a.) I enjoyed chorale. I just didn't enjoy the commotion in the mez.
b.) It was interesting to hear Clemmer's story because it was so different from the norm, but it seemed that it really didn't get wrapped up all the way. However, I am proud to have gotten in a whoop at the mention of my home state. That's a chapel first for me.
c.) Do you think I can turn in watching Family Matters with my family every night for enrichment credit?

Sir Randomness said...

Well I do agree that Clemmer could have had better questions asked of her rather than her just telling her life story.

I think what their trying to do is give some variety to chapel. People begin to complain when it's the same thing over and over so they are trying out new things. They want to give diversity to keep us happy. There will be good ones and bad ones. They won't always be perfect.

As for chorale I think what they were trying to do is give the students a little taste of things like Covenant celebration that just happened to show them a few of the things they wouldn't normally see on campus. Plus it gives the chorale people a chance to perform for their peers instead of family and random people who want to hear them sing. I personally liked listening to them perform.

Cut spiritual life some slack, they are looking for ways to please the Almighty Daedalus and his readers (a.k.a. the SNU student body).

Andrew said...

The chapel choir performed their music very well.

And Dr. Clemmer's story did lack explicit spiritual content, but I nevertheless gained a lot from hearing her story. I think stories are among the most powerful tools to speak to people, because stories make it possible for individuals to draw parallels to their own lives and see things from a different perspective. Daedalus, maybe for once you should sit in a chapel service and try to find the good instead of trying to find everything that is wrong with it. If you exerted as much energy in finding the good as you do in finding the bad, maybe we truly would get some thought-provoking spiritual discussion rather than collective bashing on chapel.

Daedalus said...

Undercover: If I were you I would have already been turning in my Family Matters watching for enrichment credit.

Also, everyone, please remember as you read the blog that the goal is to start constructive conversation about what is going on in chapel and how we can make it better. I am certainly 'vocal' about my opinions, but I have taken care to ensure that there are discussion points to be found in every post.

Oh, and "stinked" was only used because it rhymed. You don't think I'm that illiterate do you?

enderley said...

"stinked" does not rhyme with "reeked."

nice cover-up though.